Book and Paper Conservation 2

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Editor: dr. Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič
Authors: Georgios Boudalis; Blanka Avguštin Florjanović; Giulia Orti; Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič; Žiga Šmit; Helena Fajfar; Anja Dular; Marjana Cjuha; Stanka Grkman; Darja Harauer; Mateja Kotar; Nataša Petelin; Lucia Planinc; Tatjana Rahovsky Šuligoj; Iva Gobić Vitolović; Nataša Petelin; Marija Grabnar
Publisher: Archives of the Republic of Slovenia
Language: Slovenian and English
Number of pages: 205

From the Introduction

The collection Conservation and restoration of books and paper 2 contains the results of our research, education and other activities, and is divided into three parts:

  • Scientific articles in which research projects related to the subject of the book are presented.
  • More significant conservation and restoration activities in the period since 1990. until 2016 year, presented through shorter works on the conservation and restoration of written and graphic cultural heritage.
  • Historical overview of the activities of the Center for conservation and restoration of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia from its foundation to the present day.

The publication was printed in Slovenian and English in order to bring the historical development, structure, materials and procedures of conservation-restoration of books closer to the professional public outside the Slovenian-speaking area. Unfortunately, due to financial reasons, it was not possible to translate all articles into English.

The current publication entitled “Conservation and restoration of books and paper 2 ” is based on the results of research, education and other activities in three central sections:

  • scientific research contributions, where research on the subject of the book is presented,
  • more important conservation and restoration activities in the period 1990 2016, where shorter papers on the conservation and restoration of written and graphic heritage are presented and
  • historical overview of the activities of the Center for conservation and restoration of the Archives of the RS from its establishment to the present day.

The publication is bilingual (Slovene/English) with the aim of bringing the history, structure, materials and conservation-restoration of the book closer to the professional public outside the Slovenian speaking area. Unfortunately, for financial reasons, we did not publish all the contributions in two languages.

The monograph Conservation and restoration of books and paper 2 (English: Book and Paper Conservation 2) contains the findings of our research, education, and other activities and is divided into three sections:

  • scientific research papers, presenting research projects dealing with books and the Historical Overview of the Centre;
  • important conservation and restoration activities in the 1990–2016 period, presenting short papers on the conservation of the written and graphic cultural heritage; and
  • history and an overview of the activities of the Book and Paper Conservation Center of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia from its establishment until the present day.

The monograph is bilingual (Slovene and English) also in order to bring the themes of book history, structure, materials, and conservation closer to the professional public outside Slovenian-speaking areas. Unfortunately, we have not been able to provide bilingual versions of every paper due to financial reasons.

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