Craft boxes (modular craft box systems)

7,29 24,59  /pc

Modular systems of boxes for handicrafts

  • from light corrugated cardboard
  • pH 7.5 – 10.0
  • gray
  • PAT test
  • without lignin
  • multiple flexible storage options
  • compartments in the boxes ensure the safety and organization of individual items
  • the possibility of choosing a transparent or cardboard cover
  • label the boxes with self-adhesive label holders

Archive boxes with compartments:

The boxes with sections can be stored in a large archive box, which we describe a little further down in the text, but they can also be used independently. In this case, for boxes 60 AT232, 60 AT452, 60 AT755 and 60 SCTD2, you can opt for a cardboard cover under the code 60 ARTLID (height 5.1 cm) if you have items that need to be protected from light and fading, or for a transparent cover under the code 91415121522 (height 3.4 cm) if it is important to you that the boxes are not opened unnecessarily and that you can always have an insight into your collection with as little manipulation as possible.

Models 60 SCTD6, 60 AT221 and 60 AT311 are supplied with opaque covers 60 ARTLID 2 (height 3.2 cm) and transparent 91415121522 (height 3.4 cm).

  • the transparent cover prevents unnecessary handling of fragile and sensitive objects

Large archive box for storing smaller archive boxes with compartments: 60 RC121510.

Archive Box (60 RC121510) stores various combinations of internal archive boxes with compartments (see table for models). Each box (60 RC121510) fits from two to six such boxes. Another option is to use archive boxes with compartments as separate boxes or even without lids if we store them in drawers.

SKUProduct nameSize (cm)Number of sectionsVisina (cm)PriceBuy
60 AT232Archive box with compartments for crafts9.5 x 7.0 x 6.415.14,28  /pc
60 AT452Archive box with compartments for crafts14.6 x 12.1 x 6.46.14,72  /pc
60 AT755Archive box with compartments for crafts14.6 x 18.4 x 12.74.18,90  /pc
60 SCTD2Archive box with compartments for crafts29.6 x 12.1 x 12.43.18,90  /pc
60 SCTD6Archive box with compartments for crafts29.5 x 5.1 x 3.57.13,73  /pc
60 AT221Archive box with compartments for crafts5.1 x 4.8 x 3.535.14,18  /pc
60 AT311Archive box with compartments for crafts8.6 x 2.2 x 3.544.14,18  /pc
60 ARTLIDLid for archive boxes with craft compartments..5.17,68  /pc
60 ARTLID 2Lid for archive boxes with craft compartments..3.27,29  /pc
91415121522Clear lid for archive boxes with craft compartments..3.424,59  /pc
60 RC121510Large archive box for storing smaller archive boxes with compartments30.5 x 38.1 x 25.4..16,76  /pc

Cijene u tablici su bez PDV-a.

SKU: Var.60 AT23260 AT232Var. Category:
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