Mounting Corners

4,37 11,93  /pkg

  • extremely popular “photo carbons” are used for placing photos, documents, posters, blueprints, plans, etc.
  • the corners are made of 100% acid-free, archive-safe polypropylene that does not contain harmful substances
  • acrylic glue, permanent, 100% water-based, solvent-free, the photos do not come into contact with the glue
  • PAT test
  • easy to use: they are placed on the corners of photos by pressing on paper or cardboard
  • corners are transparent
  • also available in maxiview version
SKUInfoDimenzija stranica (mm)Package (pieces)PriceBuy
20 01729-3Lregular 19 mm192504,37  /pkg
20 01730-3Lregular 32 mm322509,28  /pkg
20 01731-3Lmaxiview 32 mm322509,28  /pkg
20 01732-3Lregular 75 mm7510011,93  /pkg
20 01733-3Lmaxiview 75 mm7510011,93  /pkg

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