Calf leathers for bookbinding

1,49  /dm2

A new line of calf leather for bookbinding, characterized by an extremely fine, smooth surface. Tanning is done by combining vegetable and synthetic/mineral tanning, and the leathers are dyed exclusively with aniline without adding pigments. Thanks to the mentioned procedures, we get affordable, yet extremely fine leathers, which are soft and durable at the same time and are very easy to process and thin. They are extremely suitable for all manual and machine gilding and blind printing techniques.

  • Finished leathers have an area of 200-250 dm 2 and are sold whole or in half (about 100-125 dm 2 )

For example, the price for one whole hide with an area of 250 dm 2 is €262.00 + VAT (1,974.04 kn + VAT), while for half of such a hide with an area of 125 dm 2 the price is €163.75 + VAT (1,233.77 kn + VAT).

HF423KLight brown1,49  /dm2
HF439KDark brown1,49  /dm2

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