Monitoring traps for flying insects

9,29 40,56  /pkg

As part of measures for the identification and control of flying insects in museums, archives, libraries and other institutions, we recommend the following traps:

Hanging triangular control trap

The hanging trap is made of transparent synthetic material. It is equipped with sticky sheets, and a pheromone bait can be placed in the lower tank. Due to its durability and purpose, it is suitable for long-term monitoring of flying insects. The trap itself does not contain baits, they are ordered separately.

To catch cloth, fur moths ( Tineola bisselliella , Tinea pellionella , Monopis spp. ) use this monitoring trap and the corresponding sticky sheets for cloth moths.

To catch the pea beetle ( Stegobium paniceum ), we recommend in combination with this trap sticky neutral leaves and pheromone for the pea beetle.

To catch carpet beetles ( Attagenus spp. ), use the same surveillance trap with sticky notes and carpet beetle pheromone.

Multiple triangular openings ensure that insects can fly into the trap unhindered. Checking the trap is quick and the sticky notes can be changed easily. They do not contain any dangerous substances or insecticides.

Such traps are placed on the walls or on the ceiling in all rooms.

Round surveillance trap

It is made of white synthetic material. An adhesive pheromone insert is placed in the housing. The pheromone works for 4 to 6 weeks, is easily changed and catches the following insects: the spotted beetle ( Anthrenus verbasci ), the cloth moth ( Tineola bisselliealla ), the fur moth ( Tinea pellionella ), and some other insects such as Attagenus spp .

Insects can enter this trap from the sides and from above. The cap is effective and does not contain any dangerous substances or insecticides.

More about the detection and control of insects in museums, libraries, archives… see the article Detection and control of crawling and flying insects .

SKUProduct namePack sizePriceBuy
20 110168Hanging triangular control trap5 pcs9,29  /pkg
20 110167Sticky notes for Hanging monitoring trap with bait for cloth moths10 pcs16,83  /pkg
20 110169Neutral sticky notes for the Hanging surveillance trap50 leaves40,56  /pkg
20 100609Peacock Pheromone Dispenser for Hanging Monitoring Trap with Sticky Notes1 pc17,19  /pkg
20 100238Carpet Beetle Pheromone Dispenser for Hanging Monitoring Trap with Sticky Notes1 pc9,47  /pkg
20 110338Round monitoring trap1 pc12,42  /pkg
20 110339Pheromone insert with adhesive surface and two capsules with bait for the Round Surveillance Trap1 pc12,42  /pkg

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