Teflon spatulas

14,59 15,91  /pc

Teflon spatulas came into use decades ago. They are used for all works for which classic bending bones are also used (grooving, bending, pressing…), but they have more advantages. One of the main ones is that they don’t stain paper and because of the material from which they are made (PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene) they repel glues, solvents and dirt. They are thinner and more flexible than usual spatulas made of bone and can be used for separating glued layers of paper or leather, as well as for wrapping books with Melinex and other soft materials.

Considering all the advantages, this versatile tool has become an indispensable aid in bookbinding workshops and restoration laboratories.

  • teflon
  • they are difficult to get dirty
  • they do not appropriate the paper
SKUProduct nameSize (mm)PriceBuy
918709101Teflon Folder - Medium150 x 15 x 614,59  /pc
918709100Teflon Folder - Large160 x 20 x 815,91  /pc

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