Needles for textile restoration

3,84 16,71  /set

Extra fine straight needles

Extremely fine straight needles for textile restoration are especially suitable for repairs and work on silk and other delicate fabrics, i.e. whenever it is important that the puncture hole on the surface of the fabric is as small as possible.

Curved needles

Curved needles have various and numerous applications, but still represent an indispensable aid when sewing flat pieces of textile onto stands covered with fabric for display or framing. Set of 6 very thin needles (3 curved + 3 semi-curved).

SKUProduct namePack sizeSize (cm)PriceBuy
RP13Straight needles Sharps size #12Set of 6 pieces2.83,84  /set
RP4Curved needlesSet of 6 pieces.16,71  /set

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